Saturday, November 13, 2021

Learning with zSpace

There are so many different ways to incorporate VR in a library setting, but one tool that stood out to me is zSpace.

This video highlights the versatility of the product. Students can work individually or in groups on activities. Many other VR and AR products are focused on individual devices, but this one seems like a great option for schools that are focused on collaboration. There are many different models of learning that can be used as well which are highlighted on their website.

There are numerous ways that this tool could be implemented in a school, especially in STEM or Science courses. Using the application along with the eyewear and stylus, students can see and manipulate objects. This provides opportunities for students to interact with objects that they might not have access to otherwise, even things like genes and fossils.

One downfall of zSpace is the cost. The website does not publish the prices, but offers options to cover the expense and ways to purchase. They also offer free demonstrations through the sales department. The purchase options would need to be carefully considered when looking at this investment to decide what type of purchase best suits your particular situation.

AASL Standards - Inquire

  Sarah Jorgenson, a public middle school librarian, spoke with me about how she implements the Inquire competencies in her library. Working...